What is the difference between needs and wants?



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  2. Nasrulaeva Fatima

    In my opinion, the different between needs and wants is that we cannot live without the first one, we need the second for a comfortable life.
    Needs is water, food, a roof over your head, regular work.
    Wants Is home, warmly, love, cosiness, career and etc.
    if we only satisfy our needs, life will be gray, gloomy, but if we live and achieve what you want, the inner world and the real of each person will be multicolour.
    We are still alive, because we meet our basic needs, but we still want to live for what the love of life brings us.
    Thus, wants us things that allow us to love to live.

  3. I think the difference between needs and wants is that the needs is something necessary to live and function. A want is something that can improve your life. Needs include foods, clothing, housing, medical care. Wants include everything else (car, TV, phone, etc.)
    Needs do not change with time, this is what a person always needs. Wants can change with time.
    Needs are necessary to life and their dissatisfaction can lead to illness or even death. Wants are not so important for life and their dissatisfaction can lead simply a disappointment.
    Amagaeva Ziyarat

  4. The need is when you are obliged to do action even if it contradicts your beliefs and principles. The doctor,for example,is obliged to help everyone who is sick in front of his eyes,to provide first aid or he may be imprisoned.
    The wants is when you have a choice and can do an action if you want or you cannot do it if you also don't want to. I think everyone has a choice in clothes and food for example.
    Akavova Madina

  5. Muslim Omarov
    I think that different between want and need in their necessity. You can exist without wants, it difficult, but you can. But it really hard live without needs. Needs it something you that you need rn, like food or home, or drug (kidding). What about wants is that things, without which you can live, like jewelers, cars and other things.

  6. In my opinion, the main difference between needs and wants is that needs are something that a person cannot physically live without. At the same time, wants often do not carry any benefit, and sometimes even harm us. In the end, we can conclude that a person should devote more time to needs than wants

    Джамалудинов Абакар

  7. I think the difference between want and need is very simple. A need is something that you cannot do without in life, and a desire is something that you can do without, but something that you really want. That is, the basic needs include: food, home, transportation, medical expenses, etc.
    And desire is what people want to have after their needs are satisfied, what they can do without, such as expensive gadgets, branded items, a car, etc.

  8. Залмуева Диана

    I believe that the difference in these words is as follows:
    *a need is something without which it is impossible for a person to exist. They are based on food, dwelling, water, sleep and rest. Thanks to these needs, a person can live.
    *a wants are things that a person needs, but he can live without them.
    For example, a computer, a phone, new clothes.


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