Video: why do people work?

What are your reasons to work? 


  1. I work mainly for money, because money is needed to buy food, buy clothes and everything that is necessary for life. but also for myself, to develop, to meet new people, to fulfill myself. it may not bring success or income, but it provides an opportunity to develop, to learn something new.
    Amagaeva Ziyarat

  2. First of all , i work for socialising, for self-development
    After it for money , of course
    I think that any kind of work must be paid-payable
    Аmina Alieva

  3. Залмуева Диана

    I believe that people work primarily to meet their needs, to provide themselves and their family with everything they need. Parents should take care of the future of their children and therefore work.
    Work should be fun, otherwise there will be no desire.
    Also, work helps people communicate with each other.

  4. I think that first of all I will work where I like, that is, for the sake of pleasure.Do what I really like, in my specialty and at the same time earn a living.And the main thing I think is self-fulfillment, to achieve the best results, so to speak, to leave your mark on the world.

  5. Magomedova Raisat, 2 UP
    Every person has various answers to the question “Why do people work?” because people’s needs differ. However, one thing is certain: we all work because we attain something from it. Whatever we gain from work, it absolutely impacts our morale and the quality of our lives.

    I agree with the end of the video : “ We work because we feel good!… Just to feel good about ourselves.”

    Indeed, I feel much better when I do what I love. Of course, if work does not bring pleasure, then you can not say that it is a joy.

    But, I think, life is given in order to find a business that will suit you and please you

    For me, work is earnings and to earn a living, new acquaintances, communication, interesting people and tasks and just for the fun of it, the development of skills and knowledge and for self-fulfillment.

    In conclusion, I’d like to say that work takes up most of our lives, so it should be chosen wisely and with love for your work. If you love your job, then it will always bring joy, although not always income.

  6. Меджидова Амина

    first of all , I work to earn a living. working for pleasure is also important, but from my point of view, this item is not as important as a high salary level. for exclusively work that does not correspond to your beliefs. career and professional growth is also important to me. and for self-fulfillment

  7. Магомедова Шахрузат

    The main goal of working is to earn a living. People can’t afford many things including necessary needs , entertainments , hobbies without money . So they have to work to get it.
    Second reason is for self-fulfilment. When you work you get new informations, knowledges , experiences and skills that will help to develop yourself and then you get a sense of achievement of life . And as for I would like to work for out of keen interest because a work should give me a satisfaction

  8. Мухтарова Майсарат

    I work in order to fulfill myself in the future, to earn money for everyday needs. Working for pleasure, my income also grows

  9. Омаров Муслим

    Actually, I’m not working now, because I’m student. But I can surely say that I will work because of 3 reasons. First of all, of course, to earn a living. It’s necessary for people to work for food, clothes and other goods. People need all this things for good life quality, so it motivated people work. Second reason why I will work hard-my family. I wanna support them during whole life, because they were supporting me when I was a kid. Especially with our Dagestan tradition it is really paramount. And final reason is legacy. I hope, that my legacy will be consider in good key. I want that my relative will remember me as really rich and generous person. At the end I’d want to say that the money is only instrument which facilitate our lives.

  10. The first reason why I will work is to earn money to continue my life. I believe that this reason is the main one for most people.
    The second reason is the achievement of a certain status, prestige and career growth.
    I will also work to benefit society and the state

  11. Why do people work?
    Everybody has individual values, interests and hobbies. But i think that people work for make money. Cause money give us abilities to buy nessecary things. There are: clothes, food and many another things.

  12. they work to earn money, because money is needed to live, enjoy, prosper, buy clothes and everything necessary for life. but also for self-realization, this may not bring success or income, but it provides an opportunity to develop, to learn something new.
    Salimov Arslan

  13. People who have their own business, receive a decent income, millionaires, those who invest in business, continue to work. They maintain their daily routine as well as when they started their careers.Work brings not only money. For a person, it is important not only to meet physical needs, but something more.

    If a person is lucky to find a job that will be interesting to him, where he can realize his abilities, then such professional activity will be able to bring him satisfaction. A person will be able to be proud of himself.
    Перзуллаев Гаджимурад

  14. I think people work for different reasons. Main reasons: social need, money, esteem needs, job satisfaction. The reasons why I would work is the desire to earn money and the desire to develop. Work helps a person to realize himself in life and makes life more interesting. It brings money, thanks to which people will be able to cover many of their needs.

    Шабанова Саида

  15. Personally, I work primarily to earn money that can meet my needs in different spheres of life. It is also widely believed that work is good because it allows us to feel belonging to something more than ourselves: profession, team, solving problems of national importance or research that will change the future. I also want to add that one of us works more efficiently if he has someone to compete with. The information in the video is as close to the truth as possible, and I also agree with it.

    Рахметуллаев Надир

  16. Why do people work?people work for family, money, fame, passion and of course for themselves. There are people who work because they like Steve Jobs. Someone is working for the glory of the country or for the sake of records. All people have different reasons. For me, work is what I want to do

    Шахбанова Альбина

  17. Why do people work
    The video shows a lot of subjective reasons for each. Someone does it for money, someone serves God, some want to save lives and be useful to society.
    I see myself in entrepreneurship because I am interested in making money, it brings me pleasure. The feeling when you set yourself a lot of goals and achieve them is priceless.

    Шарипов Гайдар

  18. I think I work more for money because I need it to live. now I need money to provide for my needs, so as not to take from my parents, in the future I will need to fully provide for myself, my family, so I believe that money is one of the main reasons why I want to get a job.

    Angelina Rasulova

  19. Тагирова Гульжана

    Work allows us to feel belonging to something bigger than ourselves: a profession, a team, solving problems of national importance or research that will change the future. Also, work allows us to be independent.

  20. If I were president, I would increase teachers' salaries. If I increased the salaries of teachers , they would work better and with interest . If they work better and with interest , then the children would learn better . If children would learn better, our country would become even more developed.


  21. Work is an integral part of our life.
    Why do people work?
    I believe that there are three main reasons why people go to work. The first is for the sake of wages, in order to satisfy their main needs. The second is to gain knowledge and experience. The third is to gain power, because people like to be recognized.
    Pirieva Sabina

  22. If I were president, I would increase teachers' salaries. If I increased the salaries of teachers , they would work better and with interest . If they work better and with interest , then the children would learn better . If children would learn better, our country would become even more developed.
    Абдуллаев Арслан


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