Food for thought

Read the article and answer the question - what and why do you want to manage? 


  1. I would like to open my own company, because I think that this profession suits me and I consider it unique, and I also like the whole process of organization and management.

    Мухтарова Майсарат

  2. I will work in the field of staff management, but for now I am getting the necessary knowledge at the university.
    I chose this profession, because I want to study human psychology. And also: motivating and stimulating people.
    The staff manager must create a psychological climate in the workplace. And this affects the success of the organisation. Employees become more cohesive and show their results.

    Залмуева Диана

  3. At the moment I am getting the necessary knowledge to lead. I always thought it was my job to manage. Therefore, I think that in the future I would like to open something of my own and manage it in my own way, create a workplace climate that I like and treat my workers in a special way.

  4. To manage means to control or determine the course or activity or something. My specialty is related to the fact that I will manage someone or something. To do this, at this time I am getting all the knowledge that will help me manage in the future. I think management skills are essential in any company. A leader who knows how to manage correctly creates a favorable psychological climate in the team. I hope in the future I will learn how to manage in order to build a good career.

    Гичиханова Хава

  5. I want to be manager because I like to manage. I like working with people, especially to motivate them to work. I will get important skills that will be useful to me in life too . More importantly, managers get a good salary. Be manager is interesting and authoritatively. I think so this is what I need in my life.

    Magomaalieva Madina

  6. I chose this profession because of its relevance, perspective and relevance. Currently, many modern enterprises and companies need talented managers. I believe that I will become a good manager because I have leadership qualities , hard work and determination .

    Ахмедханова Зайнаб

  7. in the future, I would like to have my own cafe, where I could manage all management processes. I like scheduling and making schedules for the day. hiring and training staff is also an interesting job. in the implementation of this goal, the knowledge that I receive at the university will help me. i study different approaches and management methods that i will apply in my work.

    Меджидова Амина

  8. After graduation of college I realized that it would be good to work with people and document , so I decided to be a manager . I like to be an organizer of any process . Today management is highly demanded profession . It is based on the ability to work in a group and initiative . It is also opportunity to develop your communicate skills and new connections. Being a manager means developing your analytical mind and growing knowledges

    Магомедова Шахрузат

  9. Today, in the face of fierce competition, it is imperative for every organization to have a person who is able not only to maintain and improve the pace of labor productivity, but someone who could, having a certain amount of material and labor resources in his charge, implement them as efficiently as possible in favor of your organization and each of its members. In fact, this is what the modern manager does.
    To master this most interesting profession in every sense, first of all, it is necessary to have the gift of persuasion, initiative, the ability to work in a team and flexibility of thinking.So i want to be a manager

  10. After reading the article “Why do you want to manage?” by John Baldoni, I realized that not only technical skills are needed, but also leadership abilities. This is necessary to maintain the domestically environment.

  11. If we turn to the text, then most of the staff does not want to take the responsibility of management. Then people with innate leadership qualities come to the rescue. A leader can identify himself as such by possessing such qualities as empathy, teamwork, and the ability to listen. I have known for a long time that I am a leader, a manager. Delegation of authority, teamwork, taking responsibility gives me pleasure.
    Шарипов Г

  12. My leadership skills, the ability to coordinate the work of other people and guide them to achieve their goals make me an ideal candidate for manager. I want to get my own business, which I am already taking small steps towards. To do this, I need to get an appropriate education. For this reason, I entered the Faculty of Management. I really want to be a manager and I feel that I will be able to achieve good results in this matter. I hope that my activity as a manager will benefit people. This is exactly what I strive for and the main reason why I want to become a manager.

  13. My name is Sefer. I'm studying to be a manager.
    I chose this profession because I believe that it will give me the necessary life skills that are applicable not only in professional activities. Also, this specialty opens up great life prospects for me, the possibility of self-realization in various fields. I really want to be a manager and I feel that I will achieve good results in this area.

  14. I want to be a manager because I have been surrounded by business since childhood. Since my parents were managers, I often spent time at their work and watched all organizational processes from the inside. I want to become a successful businessman and expand my family business.

    Джамалудинов Абакар


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