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  1. I think Matthew needs to compare on him because he substitutes everyone in the company and the problem is in that manager. Or if Matthew doesn't want to mess with it, he can quit.
    Or Matthew with colleagues can talk with the manager and describe the situation.

    Kaditlaeva N.L.

  2. Kurbanova Nadiya:
    Matthew's problem is that his colleague is not competent enough: he is not attentive when working with clients, admits mistakes, as a result of which customers are not satisfied. Another problem was the incorrect number on the company's website, because the client was very angry.
    How to solve Mutew's problem? I think, first of all, Matthew should talk to his colleague himself, point out his mistakes, give advice.
    If it doesn't get rid of the problem Matthew should inform the boss about it,who will make the decision himself.The boss can reprimand, demote, or fire an employee. Otherwise, he can send an employee to refresher courses.

  3. Problem: The project manager makes mistakes all the time because of what floors get angry and sometimes scream
    Decision: I think he should be fined or cut.
    Recommendation:The manager must be more attentive and analyse his actions before doing semething.
    Problem:The manager entered the number of the company but to a person living in the city
    Decision: It is to apologise to the person whose indication number is also issued to him as compensation . Change the phone number on the site will also apologise to customers


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